Kinder Morgan currently owns and operates the Utopia Pipeline System, which begins in Harrison County, Ohio and extends approximately 270-miles to Windsor, Ontario. The Utopia Pipeline transports ethane to produce plastic feedstock for the petrochemical industry.
- Pipelines are the safest and most efficient way to transport petroleum products to market. According to the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association, approximately 1.2 billion barrels of crude oil and refined petroleum products are shipped each year, with 99.99 percent of that product safely reaching its end destination.
- Understanding where pipelines are located, potential hazards and how to identify and respond to a potential leak will keep your family, your employees and your community safe.
- To help protect underground pipelines like Utopia, Canada has local One-Call centers that should be contacted before undertaking any construction, excavation or development projects. You can contact Ontario's One-Call center at no cost at 800-400-2255.
- Click Before You Dig
- One-Call Canada: Province-Specific Information
- CCGA Excavation Best Practices
- Pipeline Safety
- Emergency Contact Numbers
- Applying for a Proximity & Crossing Permit - Design and Construction Guidelines
- Pipeline Right-of-Way Proximity Installation Permit Application
Pipeline Safety Brochures: